SpeakingEnergy Scene Thinking™. Transforming storytelling and problem-solving

After years of working closely with clients in the finance, banking, asset management, technology, real estate, insurance, health, government and media sectors, I am now structuring those extremely valuable case studies into a new book that will be complete by early 2019. 

Coaching and consulting multinational executives on the principles of SpeakingEnergy Scene Thinking  enabled me to rigorously test a series of formulas and strategies that clearly showed how important Scene Thinking™ is to companies large and small.

(Note:  Scenes are defined as any form of company content – from spreadsheets and data/analytics to digital transformation and marketing/sales and investor pitches … nothing is without Scenes).

Communications problem-solving is crucial to every business, and this can only happen when we understand our company’s true story value. That process begins by never losing sight of the fact that Storytelling is problem-solving. To tell (and sell … and structure and deliver …) a good story, we must spend time carefully analyzing all of our Scenes: that is where the value of a story lives.

 SpeakingEnergy STAMP methodologies™ are tools for identifying the Story Access points – defined as the most potential for showing problem-solving. From there, the professional Scene Thinking™ skills will immediately produce measurable results – both internally within diverse teams and externally to customers and partners.

Your story scenes are the most important “investment asset” you own; absolutely unique to your brand value and growth. Those Scenes set you apart – and those Scenes are what your customers, investors, partners and employees “buy into” (or not).

The easiest business example I can point to that shows just how much revenue is “tied up” in scenes (and scene strategy) is Facebook. They take our free scenes, analyze them and then sell them back to us via advertising. My company, SpeakingEnergy helps clients analyze their scenes so that they can unlock the story value and communicate the problem-solving to drive business and brand growth.

“Design Thinking” is another popular investment now. Having worked closely with companies who enlisted the help of Design Thinking practitioners (many of whom do great work), all felt that the SpeakingEnergy Scene Thinking formulas and strategies took their creative development (idea generation) to areas that were not reached by the Design Thinking workshops.

As I remind my clients: We live in a Scene world.

If you would like me to discuss the impact of SpeakingEnergy Scene Thinking™ at your next company event, please get in touch.

 All the best for the evolution of your Scenes!

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