• A 2-minute voice story from Björn Turmann, Founding Managing Director of SpeakingEnergy Ltd:

    Bjorn Headshot

    Björn Turmann designs and delivers consulting programs – including workshops, training and small team coaching – that are aligned to your greatest needs.

    Every aspect of your communications is impacted by story.

    Once we understand how you are currently using your existing communications content, a comprehensive program can be designed to begin unlocking storytelling value through SceneThinking™:

    • Presentations – at all levels – internal to the firm and external to clients and investors
    • Business development and new client pitches
    • Data driven growth initiatives
    • Digital transformation strategies
    • Marketing and sales content
    • Customer journey strategies
    • Branding programs
    • Fundraising and roadshows
    • Customer-service and call centers
    • Start-up businesses
    • Human resources and hiring campaigns
    • Social media content


    With over 10,000 hours of rigorously tested consulting content and workshop case studies across all industry segments, our strategies and formulas match the needs of today’s rapidly evolving 21st Century business challenges.

    Scenes are where the real value of your story lives. It’s what your company owns. And it’s the one thing that can absolutely set your strategy and your brand apart from the competition.

    To schedule a chat about your strategic storytelling needs, email us at:  Storytelling(at)SpeakingEnergy(dot)com.


  • Novels, films, television and teaching... and over twenty-five years of corporate development experience...

    I have authored four novels and a bestselling book on public speaking (all available on Amazon and other leading booksellers), taught film studies at Bangkok’s Chulalongkorn University, consulted the Fortune 50, advised government agencies, and co-founded the award winning Embassy Visual Effects, an industry innovator with multiple Oscar™ nominations.

    Hollywood exposure inspired several short films, documentaries and scripts, and the long journey of writing and creating a half-hour television sitcom; invaluable experience that has propelled me deep into the business of storytelling, enabling me to acquire the knowledge and skills to “turn great content into great business opportunities.”

    We are all in the content business! Spoken or written, developing your story and presenting it professionally will generate measurable results. A SpeakingEnergy Lab starts it for you…

Business Storytelling Workshops and Labs™

  • Business Storytelling Workshops and Labs™ -- our content sets us apart

    Tailored sessions using SpeakingEnergy Scene Thinking™ and the SpeakingEnergy STAMP methodology™, storytelling frameworks rigorously tested with thousands of executives at some of the world’s largest companies and brands.

    Think like a filmmaker. SpeakingEnergy Labs include the study of Hollywood storytelling strategies. Viewing short clips, we break down the scenes, analyzing the use of story formulas and how they can be applied to your next business presentation. Valuable teaching tools with practical, inspiring results for executives at all levels.

    You will leave all SpeakingEnergy workshops and labs with a strong understanding of how to connect your content in a “story-solving way.” Clear action, clear intention.

    Own your Scenes – before your competition does. Companies using agile and design thinking  models know that successful innovation is a disciplined, daily process. Scene Thinking is no different. Scenes are constantly evolving alongside a whole series of market and data forces.

     A SpeakingEnergy workshop will align teams to the importance of Scene ownership … we will have everyone talking the same language of Story-solving.  An energizing and thoroughly inspiring process for the entire organization. 

  • SpeakingEnergy partnerships for global storytelling results

    Client partnerships start from a well defined set of objectives. Time frames range from a few days or months to significantly longer mandates – including SpeakingEnergy certification programs. Whether short or long-term, SpeakingEnergy clients get an always available and accessible communications resource to help you professionally solve the challenges of telling your story.

  • Public speaking – SpeakingEnergy style: serve your Scenes

    Story-first speaking and presenting. If you like the story that you are going into a room to tell, the successful speaking will follow. Developing professional stories for professional speaking is always the SpeakingEnergy outcome.

    Having been on the front lines of PowerPoint’s early development, Björn Turmann helps clients use software as a storytelling tool, not as a “deck of slides.” Think of your slides as Scenes in a film or television show: the Scenes must serve the action of the story to capture the audiences’ attention and give the presentation some shape.

Let’s talk about your stories...

If the challenge of telling your business story requires professional storytelling assistance, let’s talk: Storytelling(at)SpeakingEnergy(dot)com You will receive a reply (from an actual human) within 48 hours or less.


"The Best gift you can give other people is your story." Judd Apatow